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Department of Psychology

First consultation with a psychologist

Are you thinking about discussing your difficulties with a psychologist, but the decision is not quite ripe yet? Maybe this information will help you make up your mind and you will make an appointment to see a psychologist at the Centre for Practical Psychology.

Do I have to prepare for the consultation?

There is no need to prepare for your first consultation. Just show up. If you are going to be late or if you have a change of plans, please inform the counsellor as soon as possible. You can ask the counsellor questions and choose what you want to talk about. You can express your feelings, cry, even remain silent if you wish.

What will happen at the consultation?

You will come in, sit in the chair offered to you and talk to the psychologist about what is bothering you. All counselling takes place in a conversational way. The psychologist may offer you small art-therapy techniques, for example asking you to draw something on paper or work with metaphorical association cards, to visualise a picture, to rank a list or to take a test. The different forms of work aim to find the most appropriate ways of dealing with the issue you have raised.

What kind of problems can be addressed?

With any.

I doubt that my problem is serious enough to seek help from a psychologist. Won't the psychologist tell me that I shouldn't have come?

It is better to come and discuss the problem that is bothering you. It often happens that a person underestimates the seriousness of what is happening to them, feels uncomfortable at the thought of asking for help or advice, thinks they should handle it themselves. But if your question were that simple, you would have solved it yourself long ago, wouldn't you? Don't be embarrassed and come along. Any question concerning your psychological comfort is very important.

I find it hard to find the words to talk about my situation and I worry that I won't be able to explain well what is happening to me.

If you find it difficult to start talking about your problem, the psychologist can help you by asking leading questions. If there are still some unclear points, you can always complete the picture, clarify, clarify and ask each other more questions. Don't let this worry you.

Will one meeting with a psychologist be enough to solve my problem?

In some cases, one consultation may be enough; in others, it may be useful to come several times. You can decide on a course of action and draw up a step-by-step plan to achieve a specific goal in one or two meetings. More time is needed to solve an internal conflict, to reconcile conflicting desires, to make a choice in a situation where there is no unambiguously good solution. Learning a new, more effective way of doing things will take a long time to develop. How many meetings you will need will be discussed at the counselling session.

I worry that people around me will think I'm weird when they find out I'm seeing a counsellor. What should I do about it?

It is common for healthy people who want to, but for some reason find it difficult to change things in their lives on their own, to see a psychologist. Asking for support is a sensible decision for a strong person, and in this case help can be a good resource, a support for changing and solving one's problems. All the more so because everything you discuss with a psychologist is confidential and stays between you and our specialist within the walls of his office. A psychologist will help you to understand what is going on with you, how you feel, why you behave the way you do and not otherwise, and will help you to find ways to become stronger, calmer, more cheerful and to overcome difficulties.

How long are the appointments and how often do you have to come?

The duration of the appointment is 50 minutes. The optimal frequency of regular appointments is once a week.

Who can apply?

Any student at our university studying on a fee-paying or grant basis, in any undergraduate or postgraduate course, is welcome to apply. It is free of charge.

How do I sign up?

You can make an appointment by sending a message on WhatsApp +7 747 51 39 919.

The A. Baitursynov Centre for Practical Psychology for Students at KRU regularly organises various activities for students.