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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics


Scientific and research work:

  • conducting scientific research in accordance with the profile of the department;
  • discussion, reviewing of dissertations, research papers;        
  • promotion of scientific knowledge through the participation of the faculty and staff of the department in the work of seminars, conferences, symposiums, speeches to teams at enterprises and other educational institutions;
  • participation in state and international scientific programs, interdepartmental, interuniversity scientific research;
  • establishment of inter-university relations with leading Kazakh and foreign universities for joint research and exchange of experience;
  • organization and management of research work of students in accordance with the profile of the department

The Department of Practical Linguistics annually holds an international scientific and practical conference "Understanding the world through language: country, history, culture", in which students and teachers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus take part.

Teachers of the department publish their articles in leading scientific journals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign publications.

Among the works of teachers of the department are the following:

  • G.Zhursinalina (Monograph) Көркем проза  тіліндегі ойталқының  түрлері  мен  қызметі, 2018г-150бет  ISBN 978-601-7955-05-2  УДК 821.512.122.0.
  • G.ZhursinalinaTraining manual  on the Russian language. Level B2. Kostanay: KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 2018 - 128 p. ISBN 978-601-7955-04-5 (for Kazakh departments).
  • Omarova Z.K. «The English Grammar for the students of Kazakh groups» барлық факультеттердің студенттері үшін Оқу құралы  (co-authors Smagulova M.D., Mukhametzhanova R.S.) Kostanay, April, 2020 - 112 p.. (ISBN 978-601-7640-21-7).
  • A.Nurseitova. Кәсіби қазақ тілі (Экология мамандығының студенттеріне арналған) Training manual A.Baitursynov KSU, Kostanay, 2016.
  • Bayakhmetova A.A. Study guide “Academic business writing. The language and style of academic writing. Kostanay: KSU im. A.Baitursynova, 2019.- 106 p.