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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Information to the applicant

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics!

Educational programs - 6В02301 Kazakh philology , 6В02304 Russian philology   

Philology is a vast branch of knowledge that allows you to prove yourself in a mass of fields of activity and achieve success.


It is difficult for a specialist to remain unemployed. So, a specialist can get a job as a teacher, tutor, philologist-editor, translator. To a connoisseur of the language, most branches are submissive.

The salary of a philologist directly depends on the place and specifics of the work.

Finding a job for a philologist is quite simple if you choose not strictly research activities, but make a compromise and get a job as a teacher or editor. This area of education opens up hundreds of opportunities. It is important to notice and use them in time.

A specialist can be employed in such industries as:

  • Pedagogical. A philologist can work not only as a teacher, but also as a tutor. The business component. A specialist can act as a master in business communication and the correct formulation of speech. It is philologists who conduct trainings on public speaking and negotiation skills. Subject to the completion of pedagogical retraining courses, graduates can work as a teacher at a school.
  • Mass media. A philologist has a number of career opportunities. Starting with a proofreader, this specialist will easily break through to the chief editors. Since a philologist in the learning process constantly deals with language, speech and literature, he must be able to write correctly, express his thoughts clearly and clearly. A philologist can become a specialist in the press services of state organizations.
  • Internet technologies. Editing, uploading the information component and creating content (copywriter).
  • Administrative worker. Competent speech, the ability to find a common language with people and logically express their thoughts, business etiquette are very important for specialists from public and private institutions.

The profession of a philologist includes a wide range of activities and involves mental work. Depending on the type of work performed, philologists are divided into specialists in two areas of activity:

  • Philologist-researcher. One of the activities of a philologist can be the scientific field, where he will work on the creation of reviews, research in the field of literature and the history of the language, restoration and explanation of ancient texts. Do not forget that philology as a science is still developing and needs constant study. The profession of a philologist is one of the most demanded. Therefore, the range of activities that suit the philologist is quite wide. It can be business, politics, management, education, and the organization of cultural events.
  • Philologist-practitioner. This specialist brings the basics and accumulated knowledge to people. Philologists usually teach in higher and secondary educational institutions. Their mission is educational. They give people knowledge and skills that allow humanity to develop.

The profession of a philologist offers a number of perspectives:

  • Possibility of choice. The diploma will allow you to find yourself in a mass of fields of activity.
  • Demand. Philologists can find a job in almost any position, because they have a number of indispensable knowledge.
  • Development. Philology does not stand still, research is constantly being carried out, opening up new horizons for philologists.

A specialist can immediately apply for leadership positions in the media. Philological education is an additional plus when applying for an editor's post.

Students undergo educational practice and practical classes in the linguistic laboratory of the SRS department and on the basis of the Regional Language Learning Center «Tіldaryn», the Regional Universal Scientific Library of Kostanay.

For admission to the educational program 6B02301 Kazakh philology:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT:  Kazakh language and Kazakh literature
  • Passing score: 50

For admission to the educational program 6B02304 Russian Philology:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Russian language and Russian literatureа
  • Passing score: 50

If you have made your choice, we are waiting for you at:
 Kostanay, A. Baitursynov St., 47, building 1, room 201

Admissions office: 8 (7142) 54 28 49