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Department of Journalism and Communication Management

Mukhanbetzhanova Aisulu Rashitkyzy
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Humanities Academic degree


  • 2008-2012 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute – Bachelor of Kazakh Language and Literature.
  • 2012-2014 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Master of Humanities in Philology.
  • 2018-2021 Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov, PhD in Journalism.

Subjects taught

  • History of Kazakh journalism
  • Media editing
  • Mass communications and international relations,
  • Internet news journalism
  • Professional kazakh language
  • Professional russian language
  • Workshop on writing journalistic texts
  • language and style of mass communication
  • Ethics and legislation of the media

Work experience

  • 2015 – currently Senior Lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication Management of Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov.
  • 2018- 2019 Specialist of the Center for sociological empirical research of the regional newspaper "Kostanay tany".
  • 2014-2015 Regional boarding school for gifted children "Ozat" teaches Kazakh language and literature.
  • 2012-2014 KSU "Lyceum School No. 1 of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay", teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, counselor.

Certificates  of professional development 

  • 2022 Advanced training course on the topic "Psychological self-regulation of university teachers" in the amount of 36 hours (A.Baitursynov KRU), June, 2022.
  • 2022 Advanced training course on the topic "School of curators" in the amount of 72 hours (A.Baitursynov KRU), June, 2022.
  • 2022 Advanced training course on the topic "Inclusive education" in the amount of 72 hours (A.Baitursynov KRU), June, 2022.
  • 2022. Advanced training course on the topic "Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the University" in the amount of 72 hours, distance format (Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education, Omsk), June, 2022.
  • 2022 Advanced training course on the topic "New media of the XXI century: mobile journalism and blogging" in the amount of 72 hours (city newspaper "Our Kostanay", Kostanay), March, 2022.
  • 2022 Advanced training course on the topic "Hate speech in modern media and communication space" for university students within the framework of the project "Strengthening youth resistance to the influence of hate speech and disinformation in online resources and social media in Central Asia" in remote format (MediaNet, Almaty), January - March, 2022.
  • 2023 72-hour advanced training course on the topic "Methodological support of inclusive education" (FSAU VO "Southern Federal University" of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy under the advanced training program)
  • 2023. Online seminar on Scopus publications "How to find a journal with Scopus and ScienceDirect"
  • 2023 72-hour seminar "Applied tools of convergent journalism" (Kostanay Media LLP, Kostanay).
  • 2023 "Principles of media literacy formation in the educational environment " Study.Get involved.Teach" (in the amount of 38 academic hours) methodical training for teachers of higher educational institutions" (17.04. - 06.05.2023, Astana).
  • 2023"Factchecking and combatting disinformation" online course Cabar Asia.
  • 2023 "How to write on a children's topic?" online course Cabar Asia.

Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Rector of the A.Baitursynov KRU, 2022.
  •  Letter of thanks from the Rector of the A.Baitursynov KRU for holding a master class within the framework of the republican online documentary film festival "Kozqaras", 2023.
  • Letter of thanks from the Rector of the A.Baitursynov KRU on the eve of the Nauryz holiday, 2023.

Activities in the service sector 

  • Course guide on corporate training at the A.Baitursynov KRU on the topic "Improving the professional competence of teachers".


  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R., Makatova K. A. "Internet media as a factor in the development of civil society" - G.Kostanay, "Actual problems of modern journalism and PR: conflictogenic discourse in mass media and mass media" materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference on March 15, 2023.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R., Makatova K. A. "The role of mass media in the formation of religious literacy of society" - Kostanay, "Actual problems of modern journalism and PR: conflictogenic discourse in the media and mass media" materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference on March 15, 2023.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R. "Innovation process in education" - Kostanay, materials of the International scientific and Methodological Conference"Innova-2023, 2021.- 177s., Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R. "The phenomenon of linguistic aggression in the mass media of Kazakhstan" - International scientific and practical conference "Scientific and pedagogical aspects of modern journalism", May 5, 2022, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R., Yerzhanova Zh. A., "The creative heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov" - Kostanay, "Akhmet Baitursynov is a great personality and the heritage of the nation" material of the international scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, 2022, pp. 66-71.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R., Shaidulina G. K., "Infographics in journalism: media aesthetic code" – Kostanay, Actual problems of modern journalism and PR" IV international scientific.- practical conference, 2022, pp. 156-160, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • Mukhanbetzhanova A. R., Makatova K. A., "Internet media as a platform for civil initiatives" – Karaganda, collection of materials of the international scientific conference "Priority areas of scientific research: analysis and management" April 14-15, 2022, pp. 130-134.