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Department of Journalism and Communication Management

Kungurova Olga Grigorievna
Acting professor Position
Candidate Of Philological Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1981-1978 Lomonosov MSU postgraduate studies.
  • 1977-1972 KazSU, faculty of philology.

Subjects taught

  • Journalism master class
  • Modern media text
  • Modern scientific concepts of mass communications
  • Teaching methods of journalism education
  • Rhetoric
  • Business comminication
  • Ecology of media production
  • Media criticism: science and practice

Work experience

  • 2018 – until now – Baytursynov Kostanay State (later Regional) University professor.
  • 2008-2018 Baytursynov Kostanay State University docent.
  • 1993-2008 Head of the Russian and foreign literature department, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1989-1990 Dean of the philological faculty, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1987-2008 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute docent.
  • 1984-1987 Senior Teacher, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1984-1977 Teacher, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

Certificates of professional development

  • 2019 Training course within the OSCE and Adyl Soz international project on the subject of “Promoting freedom of expression on the national, religious, social issues in Kazakhstan” (72 hours).
  • 2018 Training courses on the program “Topical issues of the theory and practice of journalism” (72 Hours).
  • 2019 The course the of educational seminar in Omsk State Pedagogical Institute on the program “Pedagogical innovations in education” (72 hours).
  • 2021 Internship in “Nasha Gazeta” weekly newspaper on the topic “Specifics of creating analytical publications in regional mass media” (72 hours).
  • 2018 Training course on the program “Innovational technologies in high education”, Khakassia, Russian Federation (72 hours).
  • 2018 Educational seminar on the program “Professional and personal competences of the teacher in high education”, Karaganda (72 hours).

Membership in professional organizations

  • Expert of The Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center (Astana).

Awards and prizes

  • Badge  “Baytursynov Kostanay State University Honored Worker”.
  • Letter of thanks from Rudny Educational Department.
  • Letter of thanks from Lisakovsk  Educational Department.

 Activities in the service sector

  • Chairman of the jury of regional competitions of scientific projects of students in philological disciplines.
  • Preparation of pupils for regional and republican Olympiads at the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryny".
  • Work under a contract at GSTU (Russia) under the program of academic mobility, the course "Workshop of eloquence".

Training manuals

  • Kungurova O. Rhetoric. Business communiation. From classical to eurasian traditions. Tutorial. (RUMS) – Kostanay, 2017. – 214 с.
  • Kungurova O. Teaching methods of journalism education. Tutorial. – Kostanay, 2017. – 200 с.


  • Kungurova O. Recognizing the Role of Blogging as a Journalistic Practice in Kazakhstan. -Journal of Communication Media Watch, may, 2019. (Scopus).
  • Kungurova O. Convergence as a Factor in the Formation of Innovative Journalism in Kazakhstan. - Media Watch. Vol. 11 | Issue No. III |Page 525-536, 2020. (Scopus).
  • Kungurova O., Mustakimova G. Metaphor in the modern Kazakhstani mass media. – Khabarshy – Vestnik ENU, 2017, №3, p. 123-127.
  • Kungurova O., Kudritskaya M. State  of modern regional  internet media in RK (on the example of publications in  kostanai region). - Khabarshy – Vestnik ENU, 2017, №3, p.448-452.
  • Kungurova O., Ermolenko V. Theoretical aspects of the prospectively examining of the sport image. – Vestnik ENU. Journalism series, №3 (123), Astana, 2018. P. 38-43,
  • Kungurova O., Darbekov A. Television production as a resource for activating the visual media sphere of Kazakhstan. - Vestnik ENU. Journalism series, №2 (122), Astana, 2018, p.60-65.
  • Kungurova O., Nazaruk T. Language literacy of modern regional Russian-language print media in Kazakhstan. - Vestnik ENU. Journalism series, №3 (132), Astana, 2020, p.46-51.

Additional activities

  • 2000 – until now – Freelance correspondent of the regional weekly newspaper "Nasha Gazeta".
  •  2019-2022 Editor-in-chief of the Baitursynov KRU magazine “Univer Life”.