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Department of Journalism and Communication Management

Kharchenko Sergey Vasilyevich
Acting professor Position
Doctor of Social Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1970-1975 Kazakh State University named after. S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, journalism.
  • 1985 By the decision of the Board at the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov, awarded the degree in Journalism.  S. M. Kirov Kazakh State University awarded the degree of candidate of historical sciences.
  • 2011 By decision of the Committee on control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science conferred the degree of doctor of sociology.
  • 2011 By the decision of the Committee on Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science RK was awarded the title of assistant professor in the specialty "Sociology".

Subjects taught

  • Organization and production of media products
  •  Gender and media

 Work experience

  • 2015 - up to now - acting professor of  KRU named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1992-2015 Editor-in-chief of newspaper Kostanay News.
  • 1987-1992 Editor of newspaper "Lenin's way".
  • 1967-1987 Employee of building management in Zhitikara, secretary of Komsomol committee, the instructor of the city committee, regional committee.

Membership in professional organizations

  • Academician of the International Academy of Informatization.
  • Academician of the Academy of Journalism of Kazakhstan.
  • Member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Member of the World Russian Press Association.
  • Honorary Journalist of Kazakhstan.

Awards and prizes

  • Badge "Honorary Journalist of Kazakhstan" (2008).
  • Medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2011).
  • Medal of KSU "Akhmet Baitursynov" (2013).
  • Gold Medal "Friendship of Peoples - Unity of Russia" (2013).
  • Gold Medal of Ukrainian Journalism.


  • Kharchenko S.V. Passionary personalities and their time. Nauchno-historical narration. - Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2023. - 480 с.
  • Kharchenko S.V. Post-Soviet search for truth. Questions of a provincial journalist. - Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2021. - 464 с.
  • Kharchenko S.V. Velikaya steppe (new country - a milestone of time) - M.: Izdatelstvo "Pero", 2020. - 272 с.
  • Kharchenko S. V., The mass media of Kazakhstan in the cultural and historical context // Zbor raportow naukowych "Nauka, problem, osiagniecia, innowacyjnosc, praktiki, teoria. - Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o.o.. "Diamond trading tour", 2018 - 53-56 p.