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Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Logvin Andrey Viktorovich
Acting associate professor Position
Doctor PhD, Candidate of historical Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1992-1997 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, specialty – History.
  • 2003-2005 Institute of Archaeology A.Kh. Margulan, postgraduate degree in Archaeology.
  • 2017-2019 Applicant at Kemerovo State University, degree in Archaeology.
  • 2019 Defended the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences at the Dissertation Council of Kemerovo State University. Diploma of Candidate of Sciences from 31.07.2019.
  • 2020 Passed the procedure of recognition of the equivalence of the diploma in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received a diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty – 6D020800 – Archeology and Ethnology. Order from 31.03.2020.

Subjects taught

  • Archaeological practice

Work experience

  • 1992-1997 Laboratory assistant of the archaeological laboratory of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1998 to the present, Senior Researcher, Head of the Archaeological Laboratory of Kostanay State (Regional) University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1997 to the present, Lecturer, senior lecturer, Acting Associate Professor of Kostanay State (Regional) University named after A. Baitursynov.

Certificates/certificates of professional development 

  • The course «Safety and labor protection in the training and advisory center «Kostanay Tirek» at the Department for Control and Social Protection of the Committee for Control and Social Protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kostanay region.

 Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Head of the region for contribution to the development of the higher education system of the region, 2014.
  • Honorary diploma of the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov for his great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, fruitful pedagogical activity, 2010.
  • Diploma of Kostanay city Maslikhat for responsible performance of official duties, achievements in educational, methodological, scientific and educational activities, 2015.

Membership in professional organizations

  • Member of the Scientific council of A. Kh. Margulan Archeology institute.

 Activities in the service sector

  • From 2005 to the present, annually supervises the performance of contractual archaeological works (state social order) initiated by the Akimat of Kostanay region.


  • Shevnina I.V., Logvin A.V. Bronze age burial ground Halvay III in North Kazakhstan. – // Materials and research on archeology of Kazakhstan.– Astana, 2015. – vol. VII. – 247 p.
  • Logvin A.V., Shevnina I.V., Seitov A.M., Neteta A.V. Ritual geometric complexes («geoglyphs») of Turgai. – Kostanay, 2018. – 132 p.
  • Shevnina I.V., Logvin A.V. Sintashta ornaments in the context of one burial ground (based on the materials of the Bestamak necropolis) // The image of a woman in the reflection of centuries: based on materials from Turgay and adjacent regions. Collective monograph edited by G. Bazarbayeva, G. Dzhumabekova. – Almaty: «Hikari», 2020. –160 p. / p. 58–70


  • Andrej Logvin, Irina Ševnina. Die nekropole von Bestamak // Unbekannes Kasachstan Archaologie im Herzen Asiens.– Bochum, 2013 – р.231–244.
  • Logvin A.V., Shevnina I.V. Burials of the Developed Bronze age of the Halvai mound 3 // Prehistory studies. Pontic area.  – Mangalia, 2014: «Callasprint». – p. 219–242.
  • Alicia Ventresca Miller, Emma Usmanova, Viktor Logvin, Saule Kalieva,Irina Shevnina, Andrei Logvin, Alina Kolbina, Aleksander Suslov, Karen Privat, Katherine Haas, Michael Rosenmeier. Subsistence and social change in central Eurasia: stable isotope analysis of populations spanning the Bronze Age transition // Journal of Archaeological Science 42 (2014) р.525–528.
  • Alicia Ventresca Miller, Emma Usmanova, Viktor Logvin, Saule Kalieva, Irina Shevnina, Andrei Logvin, Alina Kolbina, Aleksander Suslov. Dental health, diet, and social transformations in the Bronze Age: Comparative analysis of pastoral populations in northern Kazakhstan // Quaternary International 348 (2014) p. 130–146.
  • Logvin, A. V., Shevnina, I. V., Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G., Seitov, A. M. Steppe Geoglyphs mark the ancient routes of human migration across Central Asia introduction to the research // 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations– Istambul. 2014. – p.492.
  •  G. Motuzaite Matuzeviciute A.V. Logvin, I. Shevnina, A.M.Seitov , J. Feng, L. Zhou С. OSL dates for the ancient geometric earthworks of Kazakhstan // Archaeological Research in Asia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx .journal homepage:
  • Peter Damgaard , Irina Shevnina еt al. 137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes // Nature. ––018–0094–2.
  •  Barbara Muhlemann, Terry C. Jones, Peter de Barros Damgaard, Morten E. Allentoft, Irina Shevnina, Andrey Logvin еt al //  Ancient hepatitis B viruses from the Bronze Age tothe Medieval period . – Nature. ––018–0097–z.
  • A. R. Ventresca Miller, C. Winter–Schuh, E. R. Usmanova, A. Logvin, I.Shevnina & C. A. Makarewicz Pastoralist Mobility in Bronze Age Landscapes of Northern Kazakhstan: 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O Analyses of Human Dentition from Bestamak and Lisakovsk // Environmental Archaeology,
  • I.V. Shevnina, A.V. Logvin, I.P. Panyushkina New Sintashta materials of Turgay // Antiquities of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southern Siberia in the context of relations and interactions in the Eurasian cultural space. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg.: Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019. p. 234–237.
  • Antoine Fages, …Andrey Logvin, Irina Shevnina, Eske Willerslev, Alan K. Outram, Pablo Librado, and Ludovic Orlando. Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome Time Series // Cell (2019), (Scopus, WOS).
  • Shevnina I. V., Logvin A.V. Development of the Turgai trough by the Neolithic population // Stratum plus . – 2020.– №2. С.  57–69 (Scopus, WOS).
  • Elina Ananyevskaya , Gaziz Akhatov, Valeriy Loman, …Andrei Logvin, , Irina Shevnina,  Giedre Motuzaite Matuzeviciute.  The effect of animal herding practices on the diversity of human stable isotope values in North Central Asia //  Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, WOS).
  •  P.S. Ankusheva, O.V. Orfinskaya L.N., Koryakova, E.V. Kupriyanova, E.S. Kazizov, A.V. Logvin, I.K. Novikov, I.V.Shevnina Textile culture of the Late Bronze Age of the Ural–Kazakhstan region // Ural Historical Bulletin № 2 (67), 2020 doi: 10.30759/1728–9718–2020–2(67)–16–25(Scopus, WOS).
  • Pablo Librado,…Andrey Logvin, Irina Shevnina,Victor Logvin, Saule Kalieva, Alan Outram &Ludovic Orlando The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes. Nature, 2021–021–04018–9 (Scopus, WOS).
  • Svetlana V Svyatko,  Paula J Reimer,  Rick J Schulting, Irina Shevnina, Andrei Logvin,  Dmitriy Voyakin,  Astrid Stobbe,  Ilya V Merts, Viсtor Varfolomeev,  Vasilii Soenov,  Natalia Tsydenova FRESHWATER RESERVOIR EFFECTS IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONTEXTS OF SIBERIA AND THE EURASIAN STEPPE Radiocarbon, Vol 00, Nr 00, 2022, p 1–12 DOI:10.1017/RDC.2022.21.
  • Logvin A.V., Shevnina I. V. The Neolithic of Turgay: climate, environment, paleoeconomics and man (based on the materials of the Makhandzhar culture)// Stratum plus. – 2021. – №2. – p.  15–29. Percentile 55:
  • Shevnina I.V., Logvin A.V. On the issue of the separation of the Belkaragay type of neolithic ceramics of Turgay // Bulletin of Archeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. – 2022. – № 3. – p. 5 –16. Percentile 33:–0437–2022–58–3–1.
  • Casanova, E., Knowles, T.D.J., Outram, A.K., ...LogvinА., Shevnina, I., Evershed, R.P.Direct 14C dating of equine products preserved in archaeological pottery vessels from Botai and Bestamak, Kazakhstan. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciencesthis. – 2022. – 14(9). Percentile 95.–022–01630–2.

National projects

  • Head of the research group of the Republican program «Cultural Heritage» in 2005, 2006.
  • Member of the research group of the Republican program «Sacred Geography» in 2017.
  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Research of the archaeological heritage of Torgay in the context of interaction of the oldest peoples of Eurasia: transcultural relations, ethnosocial processes, paleoeconomics», Head (2011–2013).
  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Migration, ethnosocial processes, paleoeconomics of Torgai in the Paleometallic era and the Hunno–Sarmatian time in the light of new archaeological research», Head (2015–2017).
  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The civilization of the Nomads of Turgay: from the origins to the present (according to archeology and ethnoarchaeology)»,  Head (2018–2020).
  • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «New research on the Neolithic of Turgay: monuments and artifacts, chronology and transcultural relations, environment and paleoeconomics», Head (2020–2022).

International projects

  • Participation in an international project to develop the encyclopedic publication about Kazakhstan, the Great Atlas of Kazakhstan, published in Russia. Moscow, 2011.
  • Participation in an international project to develop the encyclopedic publication about Kazakhstan «Unbekannes Kasachstan Archaologie im Herzen Asiens», published in Germany, Bochum, 2013.