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Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Ismailov Serikzhan Sagyndykovich
Head of Department Position
Candidate of historical Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1994-1998 Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov-specialty "History" - history teacher.

Subjects taught

  • Kazakhstan and the modern system of international relations
  • Civilizational theory in modern historiography
  • History of Kostanay region
  • Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Work experience

  • 2019 - present associate Professor Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2017 Head of Department, associate Professor of history of Kazakhstan of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2015 The senior teacher of chair of history of Kazakhstan.
  • 2014 Deputy Dean of the faculty of history and law.
  • 2012 Deputy Dean for academic Affairs Humanities and social science faculty.
  • 2006 Senior lecturer of the Department of history of Kazakhstan.
  • 2001-2006 Teacher, senior lecturer, head of the Department of Humanities of Kostanay social and technical University.
  • 2000-2001 Trainee researcher at Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1998 to 2000 Lecturer at the Department of national history of Kostanay state University named after A. Baitursynov.

Certificates/certificates of professional development 

  • 2019 advanced training Course on "designing a test in the Moodle distance learning system" (KSU named after A. Baitursynov). April (36 hours).
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Innovative technologies of higher education", 29.01-19.02 (72 hours) KhSU named after N. F. Katanov (Abakan, Russia).
  • 2018 Advanced training courses "Innovative technologies of personal-oriented learning in the educational process of higher education" (72 hours). Received certificate # 1015. The courses are organized by Omsk state pedagogical University. May 2018.

Membership in professional organizations

  • Member of the scientific expert group of the Kostanay branch of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.
  • Member of the Regional Commission for the Full Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression.

Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Governor of Kostanay region.

Activities in the service sector 

  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of students ' research projects in the Humanities.
  • In February-March 2017, he took a temporary job as a developer of test tasks for the National state-owned enterprise "national testing center" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • In may 2018, he took a temporary job as an expert on test tasks for the Republican state-owned enterprise "national testing center" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 12-15 May 2019, member of the NAAR accreditation Commission in Almaty.
  • June-July 2020 was accepted for temporary work as an expert of educational tasks on the subject Of knowledge of the world for grades 1-4 for the RSCP "Textbook" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • Ismailov S.S., Abzhanova H.M., Gizzatov S.M., Sarmurzina N.N. Biobibliography of scientists of Kazakhstan A. K. Muktar. (biobibliographic index). - Almaty, wksu named After M. Utemisov. ed. Abzhanova H.M., compiled by Ismailov S.S., Gizzatov S.M., Sarmurzina N.N., ed. Scientific Library of RSE gylym ordasy, 2014.
  • Ismailov S.S., Akhmetshin G.G., Duanbayeva A.M., Legki D.M., Ormanov B.K., Satalkina G.A., Semenova V.G., Ukin K.U. (chief editor). Kostanay region during the great Patriotic war: unity of the front and rear – - Kostanay, Publishing house of Kostanay printing yard, 2010.
  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Ismailov S.S., Eralina A.E., Takhirov O.M. Book of memory: Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War. – Kostanay, publishing house "Operational polygraphy", 2020. – 137 p.
  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Ismailov S.S., Tabuldenov A.N., Nauryzbayeva E.K. Repressions and deportations on the territory of Kostanay region in the 1920s-1940s. – Kostanay: "Operational polygraphy", 2021. – 107 p.
  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Ismailov S.S., Tabuldenov A.N., Zhusupov R.B. Studies of facts about political repressions in Kostanay region in the 1920s-1940s. – Kostanay, publishing house "New Line Media", 2022. – 226 p.
  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Ismailov S.S., Tabuldenov A.N., Zhusupov R.B., Yelibaev T.A., Kasymov K.M.Collection of documents "Political repressions on the territory of Kostanay region. 1920-1940 . Collection of documents and materials". – Kostanay, publishing house "New Line Media", 2022. - 252 p.
  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Ismailov S.S., Tabuldenov A.N., Zhusupov R.B., Yelibaev T.A., Kasymov K.M. "Political repressions on the territory of Kostanay region. 1920-1940 . Collection of documents and materials". – Almaty, 2022. – 407 p.
  • Akhmetova U.T., Ivanova G.M., Muktar A.K., Imashev E.Zh., Ismailov S.S., Zhumabaev A.Zh., Abilseyituly Z.The camp system in the Caspian region of Kazakhstan.1932-1953 Collection of documents and materials. – Almaty, Arys publishing house, 2022. – 417 p.


  • Ismailov, S.S., Turjanov S.A., Taskuzcina A.B., Schahaman Z.B., Bekmagambetova M.J. Slavic Population in Western and North-Eastern Kazakhstan in the XVIII Century. - Astra salvensis volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 43-43. Indexation: Scopus, Erih Plus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus International, Ebsco, RePEc, CEEOL, Google Academic, ORCID, Universal Impact Factor Astra Salvensis, an VI, numãr 11, 2018. Scopus журнал. 95 pro.
  • Ismailov S.S., Muktar A.K., Akhmetova U.T., Zhusupov R.B. Diplomatic Activity of Khan Bukey Barakuly in the 80's of the XVIII – first quarter of the XIX centuries (based on Russian Archival Materials). The Old Years. 2021. 16(2). Pages 543-555. Published in the USA Co-published in the Slovak Republic Bylye Gody Has. E-ISSN: 2310-0028 2021. 16(2): 543-555. DOI: 10.13187/bg.2021.2.543 Journal home page: Scopus magazine. 87th percentile.
  • Исмаилов С.С., Муктар А.К., Ахметова У.Т., Жусупов Р.Б., Жумабаев А. Historiography of the History of Tarkhan Institute. Journal Astra Salvensis volume 6, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 161-173. Indexation: Scopus, Erih Plus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus International, Ebsco, RePEc, CEEOL, Google Academic, ORCID, Universal Impact Factor Astra Salvensis, an VI, numãr 1, 2021. Scopus magazine. 91 процентиль.
  • Ismailov, S.S., Erbolatova J.E. Relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and France. Kostanay, 3i, No. 4, 2017.
  • Ismailov, S.S., Erbolatova J.E. Relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federal Republic of Germany. Kostanay, 3i, No. 4, 2017.
  • * Ismailov S.S., Yerisheva A.A. Historiography of the study of the oil industry in Kazakhstan. - Almaty, Kazakh history, August 2019, No. 6 (173), pp. 25-27
  • * Ismailov S.S., Yerisheva A.A. History of the development of EMBA munaili district and the first oil fields. - Electronic journal "history of Kazakhstan" of the Institute of history and Ethnology named after, Almaty ( 2020. №1 (22), 11-15.
  • * Ismailov S.S., Muktar A.K., Zhusupov R.B. Diplomatic relations of Uali Khan with Russia (based on documents of the Russian archive). - Almaty, Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of history and Ethnology, history of the motherland, No. 1 (89) 2020, 65-89.
  • Ismailov S.S., Akhmetova U.T. Questions of historiography of the formation and functioning of the GULAG system. Khabarshi Magazine-Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai / Series "Historical and socio-political sciences". January, No. 1 (68) 2021.
  • Akhmetova U.T., Ismailov S.S. Industrial and financial development plan of the Prorva correctional labor camp for 1939 (based on archival documents). Khabarshi Magazine-Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai / Series "Historical and socio-political sciences". October, No. 3, 2022.

National project

  • Grant of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan # AP 08856940 "Prorvinsky and Astrakhan camps in the GULAG system:" history, memory, heritage (1932-1950) "" member of the research group (2020-2022).

International project

  • International project "STUDIK - development of student self-government in Kazakhstan" within the TEMPUS program (2013-2017).