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Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Ibrayev Yerden Yernazarovich
Associate Professor Position
Doctor PhD Scientific degree


  • 1998-2002 - KSU named after A. Baytursynov, specialty "History of Kazakhstan", Bachelor of History. 
  • 2006-2008 - Master of The Kostanai Teachers' Institute, History, Master of History. 
  • 2010-2014 - the ph.D.candidate of historical sciences at Chelyabinsk State University.
  • 2017 - defended his Ph.D. degree in Historical Sciences at the dissertation board of the Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin. Diploma of PhD from 22.12.2017.
  • 2018 - passed the procedure of recognition of the equivalence of the diploma in the Mon RK and received a PhD in the specialty - 6D020300 - History. Order from 30.11.2018.

Subjects taught

  • "History of The Culture of the West"
  • "History of Museums of The World and Kazakhstan"
  • "The Methodology of Historical and Local History"
  • "History of Social and Political Relations of Foreign Countries" in the English language
  • "Social and Economic History of Western Europe" in the English language
  • "Culture, Science and Education of Eastern Europe" in English
  • "Foundations of Geopolitics"

 Work experience

  • 2002-2003 - Gorky Gymnasium - Teacher of "History" disciplines, "History of Kazakhstan".
  • 2003-2004. Department of Social Sciences - Lecturer in The History, History of Kazakhstan.
  • 2005-2009 - Kazakhstan-Russian Institute, Department of Social and Humanities - Lecturer in Philosophy, Sociology, Logic, History, History of Kazakhstan.
  • 2009-2011 - Regional History and Regional Museum - Senior Research Fellow Since.
  • 2011 - Kostanay State University, Department of History of Kazakhstan - Art Lecturer, Associate Professor.

 Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • Refresher courses at the Department of History of South Asia at the Institute of Asian and African Affairs of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov from 08.04.2019 to 22.04.2019.
  • Training in English courses at KSU named after A. Baytursynov, with the assignment of the "Intermediate" level, 2018.
  • Training course under the program "How to prepare a competitive proposal under the Erasmus module Jean Monnet", a competitive proposal in the field of research of the European Union worldwide in the volume of 105 hours from 25.11.2019 to 20.01.20.

 Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Winner of the Kazyna Prize of patrons of the Kostanai region, in the category "Cultural Heritage", 2018.

 Activities in the service sector

  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of students' scientific projects in historical disciplines.
  • October 2020 - hired for a temporary job as an expert on test tasks for the Republican State Treasury Enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Public Association "Center for Historical and Socio-Political Research" Nomad ", founder.

 Training manuals

  • Ibraev E.E. "New history of Europe and America", 2017.
  • Ibraev E.E. "History of Western Culture", 2018.
  • Ibraev E.E. "History of the Ancient World", 2020.
  • Ibraev E.E. "Modern history of European and American countries", 2021.


  • Ibraev E.E. “25th frame of the British Empire. British Colonial Politics in the Mirror of English Cinema. 2016 264 p.
  • Ibraev E.E. "Cinematography of Kazakhstan: Historical Retrospective". 2017 254 p.
  • Legky D.M., Ibraev E.E., Tabuldenov A.N. “Further observation of him has been established.” Akhmet Baitursynov under the supervision of the tsarist secret police (1907-1917). 2022. 384 p.


  • "Hero of the British Empire" in promoting the colonial policy of England // Bulletin of Perm University. Series: History. No. 4 (39). 2017.S. 183-192. Webofsciencebase.
  • Evolution of the image of the British Empire and the reflection of post-imperial reflection in English cinema // Dialogue with Time. Almanac of Intellectual History. No. 62.2018, pp. 273-293. Web of science, Scopus.
  • Evolution of the "White Man's Burden" in British cinema of the XX century // Bulletin of MGIMO University, 2016, no. Web of science database, ESCI.
  • The formation of cinema in Soviet Kazakhstan and the images of the Kazakhs of the pre-war and wartime // Scientific journal “Khabarshy-Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series "Historical and socio-political sciences". 2018.No. 3, p. 49-53.
  • Formation of national and auteur cinema in Kazakhstani cinema art of the period of the "thaw" // Scientific journal "Khabarshy-Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series "Historical and socio-political sciences". 2019.No. 3, p. 70-74.
  • Cinematography of Kazakhstan in the period of independence: originality and borrowing // Scientific journal “Khabarshy-Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series "Historicalandsocio-politicalsciences". 2019. No. 4, p. 30-33.
  • Artistic images of the Kazakhs in the Soviet cinema of the first half of the XX century // "Kazakh tarihy" magazines. No. 12. 2020. Pp. 61-63
  • "Further surveillance of him established." Akhmet Baitursynov under the supervision of the tsarist secret police (1907-1910) // Otan Tarihy No. 2 (98) 2022. pp. 123-133

International projects

  • Deputy Head of the Scientific Project "The Experience of Political and Intercultural Interaction of the EU States and Its Transformation into the Formation of a Democratic Image of Society in the Countries of Central Asia".

National projects

  • Head of the author's scientific project "Formation of" cultural memory "and" historical myth "as a way of reconstruction and propaganda of the past in the mass consciousness".