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Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Yeralina Akmaral Yerikovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Humanities Academic degree


  • 1988-1993 Kostanay State University,specialty – history and pedagogy.
  • 1996-1999 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, postgraduate studies – National History.
  • 2018-2020 Kostanay State University named afterA.Baitursynov, master's degree in the specialty М053- History, Master of Humanities.

Work experience                  

  • 1993-1995 Lecturer of the Department of Philosophical Disciplines and World Culture of Kostanay State University.
  • From 1995 to the present day - Senior lecturer at the Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.   

Subjects taught

  • "Professional Kazakh language" for 6B02201-History
  • "History of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh and Russian for all university specialties
  • "Professional Russian language" for 6B02201-Тарих
  • "Culture of modern Kazakhstan»
  • "Methodology of local history work»
  • "Modern history of Kazakhstan»
  • "Modern history of the countries of Europe and America»
  • "Archival science»
  • "Data and historiography of the history of foreign countries»
  • "Historical geography»
  • "Historiography of the history of Kazakhstan" in Kazakh»
  • "History of the ancient world»
  • "Historical process and theory of historical knowledge»;
  • "Methodology of history»

Certificates of professional development

  •  «Innovative technologies of personality-oriented learning in the educational process of the university", in the amount of 72 hours, May 2018, Omsk, Russia.
  • "Information Technologies", in the amount of 72 hours, January 2018, Moscow, Russia.
  • "Innovative technologies of higher education", in the amount of 72 hours, 22.02.2018, Abakan, Russia.
  • "Testing in modern higher education", in the amount of 72 hours, May 2018, Moscow, Russia.
  • "Technology trainings in universities", in obame 72 hours, February 2019, G.Karaganda, RK.
  • Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process", in the amount of 72 hours, April 2021, Omsk, Russia.
    "Testing in the Moodle 2.6 distance learning system." in the amount of 36 hours, Kostanay, 2019.
  • "Fundamentals of working in the Moodle 2.6 distance learning system. Webinars" in the amount of 36 hours, Kostanay, 2019.
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in higher education", in the 72nd Chapel, February-March 2021 G., Kostanay regional university named after Akhmet Baitursynova, G. Kostanai; Transylvanian University, G. Brasov.
  • "Criteria evaluation of learning outcomes in the university system.", in the amount of 72 hours, Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, Kostanay, June 2022.

Awards and prizes

  • Certificate of Honor of the Akim of Kostanay region.-December 2019.

Activities in the service sector

  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in historical disciplines.
  • 2018 - 2020 - she was accepted for temporary work as a developer of test tasks for the Republican state-owned enterprise "National Testing Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Public Association "Center for Historical and Socio-Political Studies "Nomad", founder.

Training manuals

  • Yeralina A. E., Orynbaeva K. E. "Мethods of teaching history."- Kostanay, 2017.


  • Aitmukhambetov A.A., Yeralina A.E., Ismailov S.S., Takirov O.M. "The Book of Memory. Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War" – Kostanay, 2020


  • "The economic situation of the turgai region."//Journal "Kazakh history" - №10, 2017
  • "The problems of the National Liberation uprising of 1916 are in the songs of local poets. "//Journal "3 II", June 2017
  • "Valiant labor of Kostanay residents in the rear". // Journal "Kazakh history" - №8, 2020.
  • "Labor feat of the workers of Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War (on the example of industrial development)". // Journal "Humanitarian Problems of Military Affairs" 2020, No. 3(24), Novosibirsk.
  • "The history of the formation and development of the Bolshevichka factory in the Kostanay region during the Great Patriotic War on the basis of documents from the State Archive of the Kostanay region".// Materials of the international conference:"KAZAKHSTAN TARIKHINDAGI TULGATAN MASELERI: MALIK-AIDAR KHANTEMIRULY ASYLBEKOV", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M.-A.H. Asylbekov on May 23, 2019 Almaty, 2019
  • "Torgay orys-kazak mektebinin tarikhy zhane Ybyray Altynsarin".// Materials of the international scientific and practical conference: "Actual problems of professional education development in the era of globalization:history, experience, practice", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Rudnensky Social and Humanitarian College named after I.Altynsarin. Rudny, 2021.
  • "Kostanaydagy F.E.Dzerzhinsky atyndagy ayak kiim kombinatynyn Uly Otan sogysy zhyldaryndagy zheniske koskan ulesi."// Collection of materials of the scientific and practical correspondence conference "Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in World War II (1939-1945) and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Nur-Sultan, 2020.
  • "Orenburg fortification (Turgay) in the history of colonization of the outskirts of Russia".// "People of the Empire-Empire of people: personal and institutional history of the Asian outskirts of Russia"-collection of scientific articles of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Professor A.V.Remnev.- Omsk, 2021.-648 p.
  • "Residents of Kostanay region in the liberation of Belarusian lands during the Great Patriotic War: on the fronts and behind enemy lines."// The Resistance Movement: the contribution of anti-fascist formations to the Common Victory: a collection of articles / edited by A. A. Kurgansky. — Kaliningrad: Publishing House of the I. Kant BFU, 2021. — 227 p.
  • Yeralina A.E.,Khasenova A. "Kostanai oblysyn onerkasibinin damuy (1960-1985 zhyldar aralygynda)".// "Akhmet Baitursynov - a great personality and the heritage of the nation" materials of the international scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates - Kostanay: Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, 2022 – 791 p. 

Research work for the reporting period

  • The work on the candidate's dissertation on the topic "The history of the formation and development of Turgay and Turgay county in the middle of the XIX- early XX century."
  • He is a member of a group of project researchers who won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015 (No. 123 dated February 12, 2015) and is working on a study on the topic: "Folklore of the Tobolo-Torgai region". Work on the project was completed in calendar 2017.
  • He is a co-executor of the project, who won a grant from the State Institution "Internal Policy of the Akimat of Kostanay region" in 2017 within the framework of the NGO "Nurshanyrak" and is working on a study on the topic: "Personalities of the Great Steppe".