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Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences

Amantaeva Aigul Bagitzhanovna
Associate professor Position
Candidate of philosophical sciences Scientific degree
  • In 1995 she graduated from the KSU named after A. Baitursynov, Faculty of History.
  • In 2010 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences at Kaz NU named after al-Farabi.
  • “Some aspects of the formation of the legal system of Kazakhstan / Bulletin of the KSPI No. 1, 2017 p.38-43. ISSN 2310-3353. Printed sheets - 0.4.
  • Topical issues of modern international law / Bulletin of KSPI No. 1, 2017
  • The Eurasian idea. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Young Researchers-Regions. Vologda 2017
  • Humanitarian education as the most important prerequisite for the spiritual security of society (discussion of the article by the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev "Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness") ..- newspaper Yegemen Kazakstan. 29-30 August 2017. Page 4.
  • "Political and educational views of Abai Kunanbayev" - Aldamzharov readings. 5.12.2017
  • Gender studies in the structure of modern knowledge. - XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Russia and Europe: connection between culture and economy". June 18, 2018. Prague, Czech Republic. (WORLD PRESS s.r.o.
  • Some issues of the formation of Kazakh statehood Spiritual modernization as a key factor in the development of Kazakhstan in the context of the fourth industrial revolution: Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference 2018. -
  • “Great personality, great Kazakh - Abai Kunanbayev”. - Materials of the international scientific-practical conference of KSU named after Baytursynov, Kostanay
  • "Kazakhstani content in Eurasian integration". - Monograph // Kostanay Printing House LLP. - 2020
  • History of the chemical plant in Kostanay: - Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian University, Astana 2017. Co-authors Yarochkina E.V., Antaev Zh.T. 0.5p.l.
  • A new philosophical approach to gender policy. PROGRAM of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philosophy in the Modern World", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the seminar "The problem of the foundations of knowledge" and the 70th anniversary of Professor Alexandra Fedorova Kudryashev. Russia (Bashkortostan)
  • Kazakhstan model of interethnic harmony. - Materials of the XII Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia. Izhevsk-Tomsk 2017
  • Deportation of Chechens and Ingush. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "New names and facts of mass political repressions ..." - 2017