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Department of Psychology

Klimenko Anna Ivanovna
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Psychological Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1958-1963 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History and Philology.
  •  1963-1966 Postgraduate degree in Psychology. Perm state Pedagogical Institute, Department of Psychology.

Subjects taught 

  • History of psychology
  • General psychology
  • Pedagogical psychology
  • Methods of teaching psychology
  • Methods of teaching in higher educational institutions
  • Introduction to Personality Psychology
  • Ethnopsychology
  • Cultural-historical and activity approaches in psychology and education

Work experience

  • 1966-2006 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Associate Professor, Professor of Psychology Department.
  • 2006-2022 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov. Associate Professor, Professor (academic title) of the Department of Psychology and pedagogy.


  • What should be the methodology of teaching psychology at the university. Materials. Of the 16 international  scientific  and  practical conference.   Science  and  civilization – 2020.  January  30 – February 7,  2020.Volume 11.  Philological  sciences Psychology and sociology.  Sheffield science andeducation ltd 2020. pages 65 – 71.
  • The development of psychological inquisitiveness of the mind of future psychologists. Educational and methodical manual on "General psychology". KSU named after A. Baitursynov. Kostanay, 2020. 77 p .
  • The historical aspect of the problem of "mental development". Scientific News No. 2 (19) 2020. International Scientific Journal. Russia, Belgorod. pp. 51-58. 
  • Questions of methodology of teaching psychology at the university. Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Innova – 2020". January 17, 2020 Kostanay, 2020 Pp. 121 – 124.
  • Educational activity and informal social status of the personality of a modern student in the study group. Altynsarin readings. 2 book. Section 4, pp. 412-416. Kostanay. 2021.
  • The study of the informal social status of a modern student in the general structure of personality. See the Collection "Scientific News" No. 3/52/ 2021. pp. 40-49.
  • Informal social status of the individual and educational activity of the modern student. See Sat. Systematic study of the individuality of a growing person as a subject of education. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. "36 Merlin Readings -2021" (December 16, 2021. Russia).Perm PGTPU 2022. Pages 70-78.
  • The personality of a modern young man. What is she like? Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Innova - 2022" January 28, 2022 Kostanay, 2022. Pages 162 - 164.
  • Modern student. What is he like? Sat. Baitursynov readings. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Kostanay, 2022, pp. 256 - 260.