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Department of Psychology

Recommendations for students on adaptation

The problem of adaptation in particular is very relevant for first year students. It is a prerequisite for a student's success that he or she learns new things about studying in higher education.

During the first year of study, first-year students join the student body, develop skills and abilities for rational organisation of mental activity, realise their vocation for their chosen profession, develop an optimal regime of work, leisure and everyday life, develop and nurture professionally significant personal qualities.

Adaptation, as a person's adaptation to the changing conditions of existence, represents a pivotal point in his or her life. The main reason for this is that the person's adaptation to the changing conditions of existence represents a node in his or her life. Disadaptation manifests itself in feelings of internal discomfort, tension, anxiety, a reduced sense of self-worth and self-confidence, which blocks the person's ability to interact successfully with the environment and can lead to mental health problems.

Recommendations for adapting to international students

  1. At first, homesickness and sadness may arise and this is a normal reaction to a new Most students who come to study from another country experience a moment of despondency and longing to return home. You just have to wait and do things, and that feeling will go away after a while. The main thing is not to hesitate to ask for help, to make new acquaintances and to remember that these difficulties are temporary.
  2. Try not to shut yourself away, but explore the space and possibilities of the university. The university has clubs for international students where students meet to discuss various issues and talk about the culture and traditions of their countries. The university also has international associations, but do not communicate only with your compatriots, it is better to make friends from different regions and countries - this is one of the benefits of studying in an international
  3. The university has a volunteer organisation; their task is to provide comprehensive support to newcomers, show them the university buildings, help them move into the dormitory, get settled in and deal with everyday problems. For students there are adaptation activities: they give instructions, tell them how student life works, where they can change money, buy food, eat, how to get to the dormitory, etc. Volunteers also support foreigners in their studies - they can always be approached with questions, ask for advice and
  4. Find out in advance about the city where the university is located, see what attractions there are and what's interesting there. In your spare time, go on excursions, visit museums and There are usually many activities available to students in every city,often free of charge. You can find information about them on the internet. During your free time, at weekends and during holidays, travel. Invite your classmates along - it is cheaper and more fun to travel in company.
  5. The university has a range of hobby clubs, ranging from foreign languages to chess. There are many opportunities for creativity - there are dance and music studios. And, of course, sports sections: sambo, kazaksha-kurs, judo, athletics, gyms, stadiums, volleyball and basketball teams are
  6. Regular holiday concerts and national culture days are held - international students can take part in organising these events as well as acting as
  7. Talking to people close to you helps you get support and feel more comfortable. So call home or friends regularly - this is important especially in the beginning, before you get to know each other. However, don't talk to your family too much, set aside some time for this and try to spend most of the day fully immersed in your new environment and making the most of the opportunities offered by studying in another region and making the most of the opportunities offered by studying in another region and

Recommendations for adapting to non-resident students

  1. The process of a first-year student adjusting to the new conditions of student life is called A certain role in this process is played by university associations, such as a volunteer organisation, whose task is to provide comprehensive support to newcomers, show them the university buildings, help them settle in the dormitory, settle in and deal with everyday problems.
  2. In your first few days as a student, you will get to know the university's learning Your study group supervisor or your classmates will help you a lot.
  3. The development of students' learning interests through the organisation of their extracurricular activities, such as visits to science and technology fairs, enterprises, factories of the respective profile, will facilitate rapid adaptation. Your level of adaptation and satisfaction with it will have an impact on your core The aim of vocational adaptation is that you have a constant desire to improve your performance.
  4. In higher education you need to attend classes systematically. Your attendance and progress is the focus of the academic supervisor, who will inform your parents of your
  5. Adaptation will be successful if you are an active participant in university adaptation activities and follow the following simple guidelines:
  • Follow a daily routine to ensure that you get plenty of sleep and and rest.
  • Apply the rules for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Plan your own learning and extra-curricular activities.
  • Spend more time studying on your own, as this is the key to successful continuing education.
  • Practice conflict-free communication and an active attitude to life.
  • Overcome difficulties by not hesitating to seek support from supervisors and fellow students.
  • Doing your favourite activities, sports or hobbies can help you develop your creativity and give you a chance to take some time away from your main (study) activity and help relieve emotional stress.
  • You get into the habit of thinking positively and finding the good in every situation.

Recommendations for adapting to students with disabilities and impairments

  1. The University has a Centre for Psychology and Inclusive Education, which aims to provide psycho-pedagogical support to students with disabilities and promote their personal and intellectual development.
  2. The main thing is not to hesitate to ask for help, make new acquaintances and remember that any difficulties can be overcome.
  3. Always say whether you need help and how it would be best to give it, depending on your individual characteristics and abilities.
  4. A special section (page) was created on the university website reflecting the availability of necessary conditions for the education of students with disabilities and persons with disabilities, containing adapted training programmes for persons with disabilities with regard to various nosologies, forms of training support, availability of special technical and software training tools, distance learning technologies, the availability of barrier-free environment, etc.
  5. Interviews with your study group supervisor and a meeting with the professors in the graduation department will help you determine the extent and nature of the profession you are applying for. You will also be able to realise that you have chosen the right institution and profession.
  6. There are adaptation activities for students: they give instructions and tell them how student life is organised. Volunteers support students in their studies - you can always approach them with questions, seek advice, and ask for help. The university has hobby clubs, with topics ranging from foreign languages to chess, and many opportunities to develop creative skills.
  7. Adaptation will be successful if you are an active participant in university adaptation activities and follow the following simple guidelines:
  • Follow a daily routine to ensure that you get plenty of sleep and rest.
  • Plan your study time and extracurricular activities.
  • Spend more time studying on your own, as this is the key to successful continuing education.
  • Overcome difficulties by not hesitating to seek support from supervisors and fellow students.
  • You have hobbies, hobbies that you like to do, because this will help you to develop your creativity.
  • Doing self-awareness and learning self-regulation techniques
  • You get into the habit of thinking positively and finding the good in every situation.