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Department of Psychology

Multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptability"

Objective: To explore the adaptive capacity of the individual by assessing some psychophysiological and socio-psychological characteristics that reflect integral features of mental and social development.

Field of application: Used for professional psychological selection, psychological support of educational and professional activities.

Analytical report on the results of the multi-level personality questionnaire "Adaptability"

Contingent: 1st year of all education programmes.

702 or 34% of the target audience were interviewed.

Testing period: 26.09.2022 - 14.10.2022


We obtained the following results for the main scales in our study:

1) Behavioural regulation scale. According to the results of the study the indicators of this scale are in the zone of below average level - 26% (wall 4). This suggests that this category of students may have a certain tendency to nervous and mental breakdowns. In addition, the adequacy of self-esteem and adequate perception of reality are somewhat reduced.

2) The Communicative Capacity scale. The study revealed that the respondents have an average level of communicative abilities - 40% (5 walls). This indicates that the students' ability to build relationships with others is developed at an average level, and the conflicts are within the normal range.

3) Moral Normativity scale. On this scale the average values were found - 32% (5 sen). This indicates an average level of socialization, the majority has an adequate assessment of their role in the team, orientation on the observance of generally accepted norms of behavior at an average level.

4) Personal adaptive capacity scale. The results of this scale are 31% (wall 2) or above average. This indicates that students in general have well-developed adaptive abilities. They can adapt to new conditions of activity quite easily, quickly "enter" a new team, rather easily and adequately orientate themselves in the situation, quickly develop a strategy of their behaviour and socialisation. As a rule, they are non-confrontational and emotionally stable. The functional state of people in this group during the adaptation period remains within the norm, and their capacity for work is preserved.

However, it should be noted that no asthenic or psychotic reactions or conditions were detected in these students.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the adaptation potential of the freshmen students in the study is at an average level. The students are able to build communication with the people around them, are emotionally stable, hence integration and adaptation to the university environment in such students will be environmentally friendly. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the social support for the students in order to strengthen their neuro-psychological adaptation. To maximally control the learning process, the grading period and thus prepare students for the first examination session.