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Department of Foreign Philology

Samambet Mansiya Kalmagambetovna
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Philological Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1970 The Faculty of Foreign Languages of A.I. Herzen Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1973-1976 Postgraduate course at the Department of Foreign Literature of A.I. Herzen pedagogical Institute.
Subjects taught 
  • UK and USA Studies
  • English and American Literature
  • Literature of the Country of the Target Language and Problems of Translation
  • Extensive reading
  • Business communication language
  • Modern  tendencies in literatures of the  West and the East in the late 20th -21 centuries
Work experience
  • 1970 -1973 Teacher of the English language department of Kostanai Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1973-1976 Postgraduate student of the Department of Foreign Literature of A.I. Herzen pedagogical Institute.
  • 1977-1987 Head of the English language department of Kostanai Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1987-2005 Dean of the Faculty of Foreign languages of KPI/the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation of KSU.
  • 2005-2006 Deputy director of A. Baitursynov KSU Humanitarian and Social Institute.
  • 2006-2007 Head of A. Baitursynov KSU Department of Science and External Relations.
  • 2007- present –  A. Baitursynov KSU/KRU Foreign Philology Department professor. 
Awards and prizes
  • Breastplate «Отличник народного просвещения Казахской ССР» of 15 December 1989 (certificate1294).
  • Medal «Медаль им. И. Алтынсарина» of 7 December 1992 (certificate 346).
  • Medal “Юбилейная медаль «Қазақстан Республиқасының тәуесіздігіне 10 жыл» of 4 February 2002 (certificate13498).
  • Order Орден «Құрмет» of 5 August 2005 (certificate.2015, order № 1153).
  • Breastplate “Нагрудный знак «Почетный работник КГУ имени А. Байтурсынова»  of 21 November 2011 (certificate № 00022).
  • Award “Диплом Лауреата специальной премии Костанайского Клуба меценатов в номинации «Наука» of 2012.
  • Breastplate “Нагрудный знак «Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогиқалық институтына 75 жыл» of 24 October 2014 (certificate44).
  • Breastplate “Нагрудный знак «Почетный профессор КГУ имени А. Байтурсынова» of 29 August 2019 (certificate № 20).
Training manuals
  • Сборник тестов «Давайте проверим наши знания английской литературы. Test-book (ISBN 9965-827-60-5) 2009–2nd edition (296 p.) 
  • «Student’s Guide to Home Reading» (Nevil Shute “Pied Piper”) (ISBN 9965-827-59-1)2009––2nd edition. (177 p.) 
  • Student’s Guide to the UK. (ISBN   9965-827-58-3) Костанай, 2009 (144 p.)
  • Country-Specific Studies. Lectures. (ISBN 978-601-7233-00-6) Костанай, 2010 (202 p.) 
  • Учебно-методическое пособие по стилистике “What a   Wonderful World of a Word” (ISBN   9965-757-90-9) Kostanai, 2009(438p.)
  • Country-Specific Studies. Lectures. Второе исправленное и дополненное издание (ISBN 978-601-7322-05-2) Kostanai, 2011 (254 p.) 
  • «What a Wonderful World of a Word» (ISBN 978-601-7463-16-8) Костанай, 1913 (229p.)
  • Мақалдар. Пословицы. Proverbs( ISBN 978-601-7385-61-3)  Kostanai, 2014 (357 p.)
  • Intensive Reading. Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray. (ISBN 978-601-7463-78-6) - (Recommended by RANS as a text-book for students    of 45.03.01 - ≪Philology≫ (≪Foreign Philology≫), 45.03.02 - ≪Linguisticsа≫) Kostanai, 1915 (290 р.)
  • Intensive Reading.  (Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”) for the Kazakh language department.  (ISBN 978-601-7463-78-6) 21.10.2015 Approved by Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (minutes # 2) Кostanai, 2016 (304 p.)
  • Qazaq  frazeologızmderіnіń orys jáne agylshyn  tіlderіndegі salystyrmaly-semantıkalyq balamalar sózdіgі. - Қазақ  фразеологизмдерінің орыс және ағылшын  тілдеріндегі салыстырмалы-семантикалық баламалар сөздігі- Словарь казахских фразеологизмов и их смысловыe эквивалентов в русском и английском языках -Dictionary of Kazakh Phraseological Units and Their Semantic Equivalents in Russian and English. (ISBN   978-601-7615-14-7)  Kostanai,  2020  (300 p.)
  • «An Outline of English Literature» Part I (ISBN   978-601-7322-04-5) Kostanai,, 2011 (248 p.) 
  • «An Outline of English Literature» Part II (ISBN   978-601-7322-04-5) Kostanai, 2011(310 p.)