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Department of Foreign Philology

Nazarenko Oksana Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master in Linguistics Academic degree


  • 2002 -2006 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, qualification Teacher of English and German.
  • 2014-2016 Chelyabinsk State University, Master of Linguistics.

Subjects taught

  • Translation practice
  • The practice of literary translation
  • Translation recording technique
  • Foreign language (professional)

Work experience

  • 2006-2007 Assistant of the Department of Foreign Philology, A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University.
  • 2007-2014 Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Philology, A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University.
  • 2014 - to the present, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology, A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University.

Certificates of professional development 

  • DIREKT curriculum training (KazNU, Almaty, October 21-25, 2018).
  • Didactic and Scientific Working Group and Information Literacy Training Working Group Meeting and Training in Use of DIREKT Online Platform (S. Seifullin KATU, May 27-31, 2019).
  • NEICON training courses “Strategy of Efficient Use of Electronic Resources and Scientometric Instruments in Modern Academic Research”, May 21-25, 2018, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University., St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Oxford University Press “Teaching the Whole Child with Family and Friends KZ Edition”. October 12, 2015, Kostanay.
  • International Scientific Forum "Language Education in the Conditions of Socio-Cultural Transformation of Modern Society", April 7-8, 2016, KarSU, Karaganda.
  • "Basic theory and practice of translation", A.Baitursynov KRU, 72 hours, 13.02.2023.

Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the State Institution "Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay" for active citizenship and high-quality preparation of students for the Republican Olympiad for schoolchildren, 2017.
  • Diploma of the Rector of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 2016.

Аctivities in the service sector

  • Member of the jury of city and regional olympiads and competitions of scientific projects of students in English.
  • Implementation of the preparation of students for city, regional and republican Olympiads in the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryny".

Training manuals

  • Nazarenko O.S., Shandetskaya Yu.N. Workshop on listening Study guide. - Kostanay, 2020. - 71 p.


  • “The structure of the concept of “democracy” in American linguistic culture” (collection of TVGU “Foreign languages: Linguistic and methodological aspects”, Issue 14, Tver, Russia, 2016) 0.3 pp.
  • "Features of the translation of linguocultural concepts" (report at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Baitursynov Readings", A. Baitursynov KSU, Kostanay, Kazakhstan, April 2016) 0.2 p.l.
  • "Structural features of the concept of "democracy" in British linguoculture" (report at the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics", A. Baitursynov KSU, Kostanay, Kazakhstan, 2016) 0.2 p.l.
  • “Characteristics of the concept of “democracy” in American linguistic culture” (report at the scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of modern humanitarian knowledge”, Kostanay branch of ChelGU, Kostanay, Kazakhstan, 2016) 0.2 p.l.
  • “Actual layer of the concept of “democracy” in American linguistic culture”, Collection of materials of the international forum “Language education in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization”. Kostanay, 2017. - P. 137-142 (0.3 pp).
  • "Conceptual component of the concept "democracy" in British linguistic culture", Foreign languages: linguistic and methodological aspects: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Issue 37. - Tver: Tver State University, 2017. p. 380-385 (0.3 p.l.).
  • “Characteristics of typical mistakes in written translation”, Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Language of Science and Technology in the Modern World”. - Omsk, 2016. - P. 135-138 (0.2 pp).
  • "The historical layer of the concept of "democracy" in American linguistic culture", Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference of young researchers "Research of linguo-creative processes in the cognitive-discursive aspect". - Chelyabinsk, 2016. - P. 264-269 (0.3 pp).
  • "Features of the translation of English-language legal terminology", in collaboration with D.K. Utebaeva, 4th year student, Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics, 2017 (0.2 p.l).
  • "Features of the translation of legal documentation", Foreign languages: linguistic and methodological aspects: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Issue 40. - Tver: Tver State University, 2018. - p. 312-318 (0.3 p.l.).
  • “Peculiarities of the translation of socio-political texts”, co-authored with E. Klassen, 4th year student, Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics, 2018 (0.2 p.l).
  • “Peculiarities of the translation of everyday realities in English fiction”, co-authored with A. Makaeva, 4th year student, Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics, 2018 (0.2 p.l).
  • “Features of slang in modern English and the problems of its translation into Russian (on the basis of American television series)”, in collaboration with D. Shokaeva, 4th year student, Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics, 2018 (0.2 p.l).
  • Features of the translation of science fiction works of art (based on the works of D. Simmons). // "Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics" Sat. scientific Art. stud., mag. and pier. research – A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 2019. - p. 237-242 (with 4th year student Kim R.).
  • Translation of grammatical gaps in journalistic texts. // "Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics" Sat. scientific Art. stud., mag. and pier. research – A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 2019. - p. 267-271 (co-authored with 4th year student E. Telgarin).
  • Nazarenko O.S., Eleusizova A.S. Linguistic Localization of Video Games. Sat. materials of the international scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates and young researchers "Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidavatics", Kostanay, 2020, pp. 203-208.
  • Using podcasts to improve your listening skills in a foreign language. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "Baitursynov readings-2020", A. Baitursynov KSU, Kostanay, 2020, ISBN - 978-601-7597-76-4, pp. 85-88.
  • APPLICATION OF CAT TOOLS IN TRAINING TRANSLATORS. Proceedings of the research conference Baitursynov Readings - 2021 “Independent Kazakhstan: the role of education and science in the social heritage of Kazakh society”, pp. 101-104 ISBN 978-601-7481-91-9.

International projects

  • International scientific project CBHE PROJECT 574157 Developing Trans-regional information literacy for lifelong learning and the knowledge economy.