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Department of Foreign Philology

Akhmetkaliyeva Regina Andreyevna
Acting Head of the Department Position
Master of Humanities Academic degree


  • 2011-2015 A. Buitursynov Kostanay State University, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Foreign Philology.
  • 2015-2017 A. Buitursynov Kostanay State University, Master of Arts in Foreign Philology.

Subjects taught

  • Basic Foreign Language (A1, A2, B1)
  • Practical Grammar (levels 1, 2, advanced level)
  • Listening
  • Extensive Reading
  • Second Foreign language (French - A1, A2)

Work experience

  • 2017-present: lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology of A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • 2015 Translator in the Akimat of Kostanay city.

Certificates of professional development 

  • 2018  Advanced training courses in the framework of the "Winter School" program, Almaty, S. Demirel University (January 12 - 72 hours).
  • 2018  Advanced training courses in the framework of the "Өрлеу" program "Современные педагогические технологии в высших учебных заведениях" (June 23 - 240 hours).
  • 2019  Advanced training courses in the framework of the "CAVILAM" program  "Enseigner le Francais langue etrangere aujourd'hui" (November 4 - 20 hours).
  • 2020 Advanced training courses in the framework of the program of the Regional Office of the English language of the US Embassy "English Language teaching methodology and content development of online classes". (September 14 - October 30, 20 hours).
  • La formation pédagogique et interculturelle pour professeurs de FLE/FLS dans le cadre des formations numériques de Francophonia «MON MÉTIER, PROFESSEUR DE FRANÇAIS AU KAZAKHSTAN», Ambassade de France au Kazakhstan, Nice, 07.12.2020-11.03.2021.
  • Effective Coaching in Education, A. Baitursynov KRU, June 2022.
  • Setting up the system of internal quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of the new regulatory policy "from scratch", Ahmet Baitursynuly KRU, January 8-19, 2024.

Training manuals

  • Tkalya  A.V., Aimukhanova D. T., Akhmetkalieva R.A. The Great Gatsby. Training aids. - Kostanay-2020. - 81 p.


  • Akhmetkaliyeva R.A. "The context of telecinematic discourse in British situation comedies"-  Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i: intellect, idea, innovation” № 1, part 2 - Kostanay - 2018. - pp. 118-122.
  • Akhmetkaliyeva R.A. "Разработка методической системы формирования поликультурной языковой личности посредством обучения культурным концептам английского языка"-  Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i: intellect, idea, innovation” № 1, part 2 - Kostanay - 2018. - pp. 112-117.
  • Akhmetkaliyeva R.A. «Коммуникативно-прагматическая специфика создания комического эффекта в дискурсе ситуационной комедии "Vicious"» - interuniversity collection of scientific papers of Tver State University "FOREIGN LANGUAGES: LINGUISTIC and METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS" V. 40 - Tver - 2018 -  pp. 136-140.
  • Akhmetkaliyeva R.A. "Культурные концепты в методической системе формирования поликультурной языковой личности" - interuniversity collection of scientific papers of Tver State University "FOREIGN LANGUAGES: LINGUISTIC and METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS" V.40 - Tver - 2019 - pp. 341-344.
  • APPLICATION OF ONLINE RESOURCES AND TOOLS IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF BLENDED LEARNING «3i: intellect, idea, innovation - интеллект, идея, инновация» №3, 2021. P 26-30.