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Department of Foreign Philology


Research work of the Foreign Philology Department

The research work of the department is carried out within the framework of the research topics: "Language as a way of representing the ideological attitudes and spiritual values of an ethnos and a means of forming intercultural and translation competence" and "Cognitive-discourse analysis of language communication in the aspect of multilingualism." In 2013 and 2019 the department topics of scientific research are registered in the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information.

The work of the teaching staff within the framework of these areas has an initiative-search character. The main final results are the defense of dissertations, writing monographs, teaching aids, articles, presenting reports at scientific and practical conferences, updating educational and lecture material.

The main directions of scientific research at the department include work on doctoral dissertations. Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology Mongileva N.V. is completing work on a dissertation in candidacy for a degree of Doctor of Philology on the topic "Ethno-cultural aspect of the cognitive mechanisms of the concept" family ".

The teaching staff of the department publishes scientific articles in various scientific publications and participates in conferences.

Associate professors of the department N. Mongileva, E. Nikiforova, S. Zhabaeva, M. Trichik have publications in highly rated journals. Every year, the teachers of the department publish initial articles in the journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The results of scientific research are also being implemented into practical training. So, for example in recent years, in connection with the latest achievements in the field of linguistics and translation science and the needs of the practical training, new courses were included in the curricula.

The new educational programs are the following:  
  • for the EP "5В020700 - Translation Studies": "Scientific and Technical Texts and Translation", "Practice of Translation of Economic and Legal Texts”, “Special Translation”, “Translation of Social and Political Texts”, “Translation of Negotiations and Conferences”, “Information Technology and Translation”, etc.;
  • for the EP "5B021000 - Foreign Philology": "Foreign Language for Academic Purposes", "Language of Business Communication", "English for Special Purposes", "Computer Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages", etc.;
  • for the EP "6M02100 - Foreign Philology": "Modern Methodology of Foreign Philological Teachings", "Modern Methodology of Foreign Language Education in Higher Institutions", "Fundamental Problems of Modern Foreign Linguistics", "Sociolinguistics", "Communication Theory and Modern Problems of Intercultural Communication", "Fundamentals of Cognitive Linguistics "," Quantitative Linguistics "," Fundamentals of Speech Influence "," Fundamentals of the Theory of Discourse and Genres of Speech "," Corpus Studies in Language ", etc.
Research work of bachelor and master degree students

One of the key directions of scientific work is also the organization of scientific research of students on bachelor's and master's courses and PhD students.

In order to become competent researchers, professionals in their field, and, finally, to be simply capable of writing a diploma paper or master's theses, to speak confidently at various scientific forums and conferences, students should be able to develop the necessary competence and knowledge for scientific work. The main purpose of the research work organization is learning the basics of professional and creative activity, methods and techniques for performing research work, the development of understanding and readiness for innovation. The directions and forms of conducting research and development work are dictated by the specifics of our educational programs, the scientific interests of the teaching staff and the needs of students. Let's consider only some facts related to the organization and the results of the scientific research.

Every year, on the basis of the department, the work of specialized scientific clubs are carried out, which are led by experienced teachers, who themselves are active researchers. It is noteworthy that, in addition to graduate students, students of the 2nd and 3rd courses participate in the work of the clubs, which will allow them to further determine the topic, direction of research activity. Three student clubs are the following: "Topical issues of linguistics" (directed by Abdibekova A.E.), "Practice of linguistic research" (directed by Trichik M.V.), "Topical problems of methods of teaching foreign languages" (directed by Shadetskaya Yu.N.).

The results of academic pursuits and experiments according to the established good tradition are presented and discussed at the annual international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics", in which both our students and students of other universities of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries take part in it. The topics of the conference reports cover theoretical and applied problems of linguistics, language teaching in the context of intercultural communication, problems of translation and translation studies. A feature of our conference is the fact that reports are presented in Kazakh, Russian and several foreign languages, which makes it possible for their authors and listeners to also improve their speech skills and language skills. Based on the conference materials, a collection of articles is published with the ISBN assignment.

In addition, our students, under the guidance of the teaching staff of the department, develop and defend scientific projects at other scientific conferences and forums.

In general, every year, students on bachelor's and master's courses of the EP "Foreign Philology" and "Translation Studies" under the guidance of the teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Philology publish scientific articles in domestic and foreign scientific publications.

Educational and instructional materials
  • Study guide «Deutsche Grammatik mit Übungen» (Mustafina K.E.)
  • Dictionary of Kazakh phraseological units and their semantic equivalents in Russian and English (Teaching foreigners the Kazakh language (through the Latin alphabet) (Samambet M.K. prof.)
  • Study guide on Home Reading for 3rd-year students of the speciality "Translation Studies" and "Foreign Philology" based on the novel "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" (Samambet M.K.)
  • Electronic textbook "Introduction to Linguistics" (Mongileva N. V.)
  • Study guide "Intensive Reading" for third-year students of the speciality "Translation" and "Foreign Philology" based on the novel by O. Wilde "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" (Samambet M.K.)
  • Study guide on Communicative Grammar. (Smagulova A.S.)
  • Study guide “Miss Ridtіn Auyl mektebі atty povesі boiynsha otkіzіletіn agylshyn sabagy oqu quraly” (An English textbook based on the story of Miss Read's Village School) on the discipline Extensive reading for 2nd-year students of the specialities “Foreign Philology” and “Translation Studies”), (Samambet M.K., professor)
  • Study guide "French Grammar" (in the discipline "Practical Grammar of a Second Foreign Language" for 2nd-year students of the specialities "Foreign Philology" and "Translation Studies"). (Abdibekova A.E., Medetova E.B.)
  • Study guide for developing reading in multilingual groups "English through reading" (Smagliy T.A., Shadetskaya Yu.N.)