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Department of Foreign Philology

Information to the applicant

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you at the Department of Foreign Philology of Kostanai Regional University named after A. Baitursynov! 

The Department of Foreign Philology was founded in 2002 and since that the University has been training specialists in "Foreign Philology" and "Translation Business".

Bachelor's degree:

Education on Bachelor's degree programs is conducted on the full-time form of training on the basis of the state educational grant and on a paid basis.

On a full-time basis the training is carried out:

  • the basic educational program on the basis of secondary general education (4 years);
  • On the reduced educational program on the basis of technical and professional education (2 and 3 years).

For admission:

  • Profile subjects of the UNT: Foreign language, World history
  • Passing score: 50

Educational program6B02302 Translation Studies (English)

Who is an interpreter?

Being an interpreter means being interested in learning foreign languages who want to translate written texts, edit and summarize information in their native language and in foreign languages, run paperwork, interpret during presentations and business meetings, work with the media, lead excursions, escort foreigners, etc.

Where to work?

  • International organizations,
  • translation agencies,
  • embassies and representative offices of international organizations,
  • ministries,
  • tourism agencies,
  • publishing houses,
  • scientific organizations,
  • libraries,
  • cultural organizations.

Educational program6B02303 Foreign Рhilology (English)

Who is a philologist?

The profession of a philologist is suitable for those who wish to master English up to level C1 and the second foreign language (French and German) up to level B2.

Philologists are hardworking and creative students who can handle easily a lot of homework. They are open-minded bookworms, have a developed imagination and are always ready to take part in discussions.

 Where to work?

  • At language courses and centers,
  • in specialized research organizations,
  • libraries,
  • cultural organizations,
  • international organizations,
  • information and analytical services.

Admission Committee Phone: 8 (7142) 54 28 49

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