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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Tulegenova Shinar Islanbekovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Pedagogical Sciences Academic degree


  • 2009 Kostanay state pedagogical Institute. Teacher of Kazakh language and literature.
  • 2012 Kostanay state pedagogical Institute. Master of Kazakh language and literature.

Subjects taught

  • Contemporary Kazakh literature
  • The history of the Kazakh literary language
  • Ancient Literature
  • XV-XVIII centuries. Khanate literature
  • Introduction to Turkic philology
  • The history of world literature

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • Advanced training on the additional professional program "Innovative technologies of teaching at universities" (72 hours). Khakas State University named after NF Katanov of the Russian Federation. Abakan, 2018.
  • Training seminar on the program "Problems of traditional and new research in literature" (72 hours). Kostanay College of Social Education. Kostanay, 2018.
  • "Methodology for evaluating educational achievements of university students", 72 hours Russian Federation, Ombi Pedagogical University, autonomous non-commercial professional educational organization "Multi-profile Continuing Education Academy" 04.13-23.2022.
  • "Essay writing techniques", 72 hours. RK, Nur-Sultan. Training center "BB Science" 8-13.11.2021.
  • "Kazakh script: today and tomorrow". Department of Language Development of Kostanay Oblast Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Sanaly urpaq-2050" 15.10.2021.


  • "The use and meaning of phraseological units in the novel" Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Spirituality and intercultural communication within the framework of the program "Spiritual Revival", pp. 88-91. Kostanay, November 21, 2017.
  • Printed pages of the end of the 21st century and the beginning of the 20th century. Materials of the International scientific and methodological conference "Innova - 2017". Pages 291-294. Kostanay, 2017.
  • Image of Turar Ruskulov in works of art Material for the international forum "Language education in Kazakhstan in the conditions of globalization". Pages 74-76. Kostanay, 2017.
  • "The use of decorative tools in the works of K. Zhumadilov" Baitursynov's studies 2019.
  • The image of Abai in the novel "Abai's Mystery" by R. Toktarov. Regional scientific-practical conference "Abai's legacy" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of A. Kunanbayev, Kostanay, 23-26, 2021.
  • International scientific-methodical conference "Innova-2021" "A. Baitursynuly's work for the people is a model for the future" Kostanay, page 263-265 01.15.2021.