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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Smirnova Svetlana Mikhailovna
Senior Lecturer Position
  • 1985 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR Foreign languages.
Subjects taught
  • Foreign language (English)
  • Professionally oriented foreign language (English)
Work experience
  • 1997 – till present Senior lecturer at Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 1985-1997 English teacher at school No. 8.
Certificates of professional development
  • Passed advanced training in the Autonomous non-profit Organization of Additional Education "Institute of Modern Education" from April 25, 2023 to May 16, 2023 under the additional professional program "Modern technologies in solving linguistic and methodological problems in teaching a foreign language" in the amount of 72 hours.
  • Completed advanced training at the Chelyabinsk Institute of Culture under the additional professional program "Modern technologies in solving linguistic and methodological problems in teaching a foreign language" in the amount of 72 hours.
  • Distance learning technology. A. Baitursynov KRU, Seminars 1-4. February-May 2022.
Awards and prizes    
  • Diploma for many years of conscientious work, an active life position, a significant contribution to the education of university students, Kostanay, 2022.
  • Awarded for the II place in the Republican remote competition of research works of students and undergraduates "In the WORLD OF SCIENCE", Nur-Sultan, 2020.
  • Publication in the scientific journal of S.Toraighyrov PSU "Bulletin of PSU", ISSN 1811-1823 No. 1, 2020 325-333 p. KKSON, "Sematic and structural typology of "body idioms" in english"
  • COLLECTION OF EXERCISES on ENGLISH GRAMMAR for non-linguistic educational programs / specialties, Textbook, Kostanay, 2020, ISBN.