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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Schlotgauer Irina Petrovna
Lecturer Position
Master of Humanities Academic degree


  • 2014 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, Foreign Philology.
  • 2012 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, foreign language: two foreign languages.

Subjects taught

  • Foreign language (English)
  • Professionally-oriented foreign language

Certificates of professional development

  • Immediate or delayed? Different techniques for error correction and feedback in the exams classroom (24 November 2022, 1 hour webinar).
  • Modern technologies in solving linguistic and methodological problems in teaching a foreign language (25.04-16.05.2023, 72h, Voronezh).
  • Writing in the disciplines (Excelsior university, 12ч., январь 2023).


  • Шлотгауэр И.П. How to choose an appropriate song for teaching a foreign language/Вестник науки и творчества.-Казань,2023.-№1(85).-С.18-21.