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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Orazbayeva Aitbibi Sultanovna
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Philological Sciences Scientific degree


  • 2005 Candidate of Philological Sciences, 10.01.02-Kazakh literature.
  • 1988-1993 Teacher of Kazakh language and literature at Almaty State University named after Abai.

Subjects studied

  • Syntax of a simple sentence of the modern Kazakh language
  • Syntax of a complex sentence of the modern Kazakh language
  • Methods of teaching the Kazakh language
  • New directions of Kazakh linguistics
  • Legal linguistics

Work experience

  • 2021-2022 Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
  • 2017-2020 Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Language and Literature of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2012-2017 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Language and Literature of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2009-2012 Senior specialist of the Educational and Methodological Department of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2005-2008 Head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of Kostanay Socio-Technical University. Z. Aldamzhara.
  • 1999-2004 Senior lecturer of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of Kostanay Social Academy.
  • 1993-1997 Lecturer at the Kazakh Philology Department of Kostanay State University.

Certificates of professional development

  • 2022 «Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the university, autonomous non-profit professional educational organization», "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education", Russia, Omsk, 2022.
  • «Cognitive and communicative technology of bilingual teaching of natural sciences», Institute of Additional Education of the NAO "Pavlodar Pedagogical University", Pavlodar, 2022
  • 2021 «Issues of organization of multilingual education in the conditions of DOТ», JSC "Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan", Almaty, 2021.
  • 2021 "Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the educational process", Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education, Russia, Omsk, 2021.
  • "Modern educational technologies of higher education", IP Center of Education and Legal Technologies "Partner", Karaganda, 2020.
  • "Technology of higher education", IP Center of Education and Legal Technologies "Partner", Karaganda, 2019.
  • "Innovative technologies of higher education•,"N. F. Katanov Khakass State University", 2018.
  • "Modern pedagogical technologies in universities within the framework of updated education", JSC NCPC "Orleu", Kostanay, 2018.
  • 2017 "Pedagogical innovations in education", Omsk State Pedagogical University, 2017.
  • "Professional and personal competencies of a university teacher", IP Center for Education and Legal Technologies "Partner", 2017.
  • 2016. "Preservation and development of languages and culture of indigenous peoples of Siberia", IV International Scientific and Practical Conference, Mes of the Republic of Khakassia, 2016.
  • 2016. «Republican scientific and practical conference" Alikhan Bokeikhan and Alash tagdyry",  – 2016.
  • "Professional development program for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan", JSC NCPC "Orleu", Kostanay, 2015.
  • 2015. Minnegulov, "The Art of the Turkic word in the context of the Literary East and West" - Kazan Federal University, Kostanay. 2015.

Awards and prizes

  • Diploma of the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • Diploma of the Akim of Kostanay "for a significant contribution to the development of the education and science system, high achievements in training specialists and in honor of the celebration of the "Teacher's Day".

Training manuals

  • A. Orazbayeva, "Actual problems of legal linguistics" - educational and methodical manual. Kostanay, 2015. 68 ..
  • А.Orazbayeva, "Workshop of the modern Kazakh language" - educational and methodical manual. 2018.123 p .
  • А.Orazbayeva, "The Latin alphabet" - an educational and methodical manual. - Kostanay. 2019. 64 ..
  • А.Orazbayeva, "Methods of teaching the Kazakh language " - textbook. 110 p.
  • А.Orazbayeva, "Legal Linguistics", textbook, Kostanay. 2021, 85 p.


  • Orazbayeva A. S., "The meaning of the state language in the field of jurisprudence" - Mat. Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern problems of humanities and social sciences" - Astana. - 2015. pp. 431-434.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., "The importance of the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language in the training of specialists " - materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov readings–2016" - Kostanay. – 2016. 64-70.
  • Orazbayeva A. S.,"Social, political and communicative role of legal linguistics" - multidisciplinary scientific journal of the KSU.A. Baitursynov"3i: intelligence, idea, innovation" – Kostanay. - 2016. pp. 38-43.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., "Actual problems of legal linguistics","Independence: History, present, future", Materials of the international scientific and practical conference// Semipalatinsk State University, December 9, 2016. 309-314.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., "Social, political and communicative role of legal linguistics", 3i: intellect, idea, innovation – intellect, idea, innovation// KSU. A. Baitursynova, multidisciplinary scientific journal, No. 1, 2016 38-43.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., «The importance of linguistic support in the field of jurisprudence», Scientific Bulletin of Kostanay Socio-Technical University, 2, 2016, 287-290
  • Orazbayeva A. S., «Мaterials of the International scientific and practical conference the importance of the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language in the training of specialists", "Baytursyn readings-2016", Kostanay, 2016 64-70.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., " The role of linguistic expertise in the settlement of social language conflicts, Bulletin of Kokshetau State University. Sh. Ualikhanov, 2017 No. 1, 118-123
  • Orazbayeva A. S., "HE ROLE OF THE STATE LANGUAGE IN JURISPRUDENCE" 3i: intellect, idea, innovation – intellect, idea, innovation// KSU.A. Baitursynova, multidisciplinary scientific journal, 2017, No. 1, 106-109.
  • Orazbayeva A., Yerbolat A., «Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "spirituality and intercultural communication" within the framework of the program "Rukhani zhangyru", "issues of spelling of the Kazakh language before and after the Latin alphabet", KSU. A. Baitursynova, 2017 103-108.
  • Orazbayeva A. S., Yerbolat A., "The main problems of marking sounds of the Kazakh language", collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference of youth and science, students and undergraduates / / KSU. A. Baitursynova, 2019 77-80.
  • Orazbayeva, M. Alpys,"Actual problems of linguistic expertise", collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference/ / KSU. A. Baitursynov, 2019 47-49
  • Orazbayeva, M. Alpys, "Legal linguistic features of conflict texts", Philosophical methodological problems of education, Pedagogical Science and Practice No. 1 (27), March 2020
  • Orazbayeva, "linguistic and artistic features of M. H. Dulati's work"Historico-and Rashidi", 3i: intellect, idea, innovation – intellect, idea, innovation/ / KSU. A. Baitursynova, multidisciplinary scientific journal, 2020, No. 1, 77-81.
  • Orazbayeva, "Chronicle works in Kazakh literature: historical and genre, stylistic features", Monograph, Tsentrum LLP, Kostanay, 2021, p. 143, ISBN 978-601-7385-99-6
  • Akhmetova, B.Z., Sautieva, F. B., Mamieva, Z.M., Orazbayeva A. S, Islamova, Y. V.  Historical and translation discourse of Abay in the ethnopedagogic paradigm: features of Analy, Revista Eduweb, 15(3), 82–101. Web of science, ISSN.1856-7576/2021.15.03.7.