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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Omarova Zauresh Kalikhanovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Pedagogical Sciences Academic degree


  • 1995-1999. A.Baitursynov KSU, qualification "teacher of English and Kazakh languages".
  • 2013-2016. OmSPU, Omsk (Russia), Master's degree.

Subjects taught

  • Foreign language (English)
  • Foreign language for special purposes (English)
  • Professionally oriented foreign language (English)

Work experience

  • 2003 – till present time senior lecturer at A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University named ".
  • 1999-2000 English teacher at the 24th secondary school named after S.Maulenov.

Certificates of professional development

  • December, 2020 - "Basics of working in the MOODLE system. Introductory course"(36 hours).
  • December 2,2020 - "Designing a training course in MOODLE" Kostanay.(72 hours, certificate).
  • December 3, 2020 - "Designing a test in the PRE-MOODLE system" (36 hours).
  • April, 2021 - "Methodology and technology of webinars and videoconferences (36 hours)Certificates have been received.
  • 30.10.2021-30.04.2022 - courses on "Effective coaching in education", Kostanay.(72 hours).
  • April 1-30, 2021 - "Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process" (Omsk, Russia), 72 hours (certificate).
  • 30.04.2022 - "Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the university" 72 hours (certificate) Omsk, Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education.
  • February 1-15, 2021 - "Business correspondence in English", Moscow, National Open University "Intuit" 72 hours, (certificate).
  • 31.03.-14.04.2023 - "An Introduction to English Grammar", Moscow, National Open University "Intuit" 72.

Awards and prizes

  • A letter of gratitude from the rector of the KSU named after A.Baitursynov, (for high professionalism, conscientious attitude to work). 15.12.2020.
  • Diploma from the director of the Language Training Center of the A.Baitursynov KSU (for fruitful work, active life position and contribution to the development of the education system), 30.05.2022.


  • «Interactive technologies in teaching foreign languages»Вестник1 КГУ имени Ш. Уалиханова г. Кокчетав, март, 2020.-266 (в соавторстве Самамбет М.К.).
  • «Stylistic labeling of an indecent form of expression». Вестник1 КГУ имени Ш. Уалиханова г.Кокчетав, март, 2020. (в соавторстве с Баяхметовой А.А.).
  • «Modern trends in the development of polylingual education in the system of higher school» Международная научно-методическая конференция «Иннова-2020»,г.Костанай 15 января, 2020.
  • «Современные подходы к интенсификации обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе» Международная научно-методическая конференция «Байтурсыновские чтения»,г.Костанай 25 апреля, 2020.
  • «Multi-aspect of the use of diminutives in the texts of art works» Вестник Торайгыров Университета, г.Павлодар, 2021.
  • «The English Grammar for the students of Kazakh groups» барлық факультеттердің студенттері үшін Оқу құралы (соавторы Смагулова М.Д., Мухаметжанова Р.С.) г. Костанай, -апрель, 2020 г. – 112 с. (ISBN 978-601-7640-21-7).