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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Nurseitova Aliya Kasymzhanovna
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1983 Kostanay Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR. Russian language and literature.
  • 1987 Postgraduate course of KazPI named after Abai. Methods of teaching the Russian language in the Kazakh school.
Subjects taught
  • Russian language
Certificates of professional development 
  • Advanced training courses at the UMO named after Abylai Khan. "Improving the language and professional competence of Russian language teachers in multi-level learning", May 20, 2023
Training manuals
  • Nurseitova A.K. Russian language. Level B2. Educational and methodical manual, 1 semester. Kostanay, 2022.
  • Nurseitova A.K. Russian language. Level B2. Educational and methodical manual, 2nd semester. Kostanay, 2022.
  • Linguistic and cultural features of the toponymy of Nur-Sultan–zh."Bulletin of the KSPI", 2022, №1(65), pp.13-17.
  • Discussion as a method of teaching communication in Russian language classes–zh."Bulletin of the KSPI", 2022, №1 (65), pp.60-64.
  • The role of the intelligence card in teaching the Russian language according to new programs-Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "Altynsarin readings -2023", pp.876-879.