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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Kaypbayeva Aizhamal
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Philological Sciences Scientific degree


  • 1976-1982 Almaty Institute of Foreign Languages, teacher of French, German.
  • 2001 Institute of Linguistics 10-02-02-Kazakh language.
  • 2007 Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Linguistics.

Subjects taught

  • Linguistic analysis of a literary text
  • History of linguodidactics
  • History of linguistic teachings
  • Development of communicative competence of a multilingual personality
  • Development of the national language and culture in the multilingual region of culture

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  • 2022. "Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the University", Autonomous non-profit professional educational Organization "Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education", Russia, Omsk, 2022.
  • 2022. "Cognitive and communicative technology of bilingual teaching of Natural sciences", Institute of Additional Education of the Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Pavlodar, 2022.
  • 2021 "Issues of organization of multilingual education in DOT conditions", JSC "Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages", Almaty, 2021.
  • 2021. "Development of students' meta-subject competencies in the learning process", Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education, Russia, Omsk, 2021.
  • 2020 "Modern educational technologies of higher education", IP Center for Educational and Legal Technologies "Partner", Karaganda, 2020.

Training manuals

  • Kazakh language for the specialty of Electric Power Engineering. Kostanay-102 P.2019


  • "Antitheses in the works of Maryam Khakimzhanova".Sbornik materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference "diachronic paradigm in Turkology". Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. STR. 201-205. Almaty, March 3, 2022.
  • "The phenomenon of occasionalism in the works of M. Khakimzhanova" III Republican scientific and practical conference "scientific knowledge and public activity of the spiritual leader, Professor A. Baitursynuly". The Kazakh National Academy of Sciences named after T. K. Zhurgenova. STR. 185-188. Almaty, April 14, 2022.
    The concept of "woman" in the poetry of Maryam Khakimzhanova. Vestnik penetration im. "I Don't Know," He Said. Series Philology. Astana 2022 №1(134) 2021
  •  Continuity of Maryam Khakimzhanova's work with the social, National, psychological, worldview side. Vestnik penetration im. "I Don't Know," He Said. Series Philology. Astana 2022
  • Cognitive nature of individual relationships . Vestnik penetration im. "I Don't Know," He Said. Series Philology. Astana 2022