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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Dossova Аlma Tulegenovna
Acting Professor Position
Сandidate of Philological Sciences Scientific degree
Professor of VAK RK Аcademic status


  • 1995  Коsstanay state university to the name А.Baitursunov, Teacher of Kazakh and literature.
  • 2006 Kazakh national pedagogical university of the name of Аваy,10.02.02 – Kazakh language.
  • 2008 Associate professor of VAK RK, Linguistics

Subjects taught

  • Common linguistics
  • Workshop on spelling and punctuation
  • Business Kazakh language
  • Construction of scientific texts
  • Cognitive linguistics
  • Contrastive linguistics
  • Gender linguistics
  • Academic writing

Certificates/certificates of professional development

  •  «Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational establishments on the basis of the renewed education» (240 hourы), «Оrleu», s.Коsstanay, 2018.
  • «Beginner level in the English language» (72 hour). A. Baitursynov Kostanay regional university. 2020.
  • «Pre-Intermediate Level» (72 h.). A. Baitursynov Kostanay regional university. 2021.
  • «Development of metapredmet competence of students in the training process» (72 hours). RF. Omsk Pedagogical University, 2021.
  • «Methodology of studying students  achievements in the University» (72 hours). RF. Omsk Pedagogical University, 2022.

 Awards and prizes

  • A thank you letter is Department of education and science of Republic  Кazakhstan, 2017 y.
  • Winner in a nomination the "Best monograph - 2017" (Association of institutions of higher learning of RК).
  • Letter of thanks from the National Innovation Research Center "Bilim-orkenieti", 2019.


  • Stylistic features and cognitive aspect work of Т.Ahtanov. Monograph. - Кosstanay: «Kostanay printing yard», 2021.-188 p. ISBN 978-601-7640-99-6


  • Reflection of the concept in the language. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series «Philological Sciences». - Almaty: 2020. - № 2 (72). P. 256-262.
  • Ethno-linguistic aspect of A. Baitursynuly's work «Adebiet tanytkysh». Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series «Philological Sciences». - Almaty, 2020. - №3 (73). P. 26-32.
  • Stylistic functions of obsolete words and regional vocabulary in the works of T. Akhtanov. A. Baitursynov KRU, 2020, Journal 3і.-№1. P. 157-167.
  • Frame applications of the concept of «life» in folk songs. Bulletin of Abylai Khan KazUIR and WL, series «Philological Sciences», 2022.-№1(64).- P.108-117.
  • The cognitive aspect of the works of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Bulletin of Abylai Khan KazUIR and WL, series «Philological Sciences», 2022.-№2(65).- P. 63-73.
  • Spelling and punctuation of the Kazakh language. Textbook. Kostanay: A. Baitursynov KRU, 2018.-115 p.