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Department of Philology and Practical Linguistics

Altybayeva Akzhan Bakhitzhanovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Humanities Academic degree


  • 1996 A.Baitursynov KSU  Kazakh language and literature.
  • 2002 A.Baitursynov KSU International Law.
  • 2014 A.Baitursynov KSU (Master's degree) Philology.

Subjects taught

  • Kazakh language
  • Office work in the Kazakh language
  • Academic Business Letter

Work experience

  • 1996 – till present Senior lecturer at the A.Baitursynov Kostаnay Regional University.

Certificate of professional development

  • Training seminar 1 " Fundamentals of work in Moodle. Introductory course".
  • Training seminar 3 "designing a Test in the Moodle system of distance learning".
  • Training seminar 2 "construction of a training course in Moodle".
  • Online course educational program on the topic: "School of psychological care teacher of the University".
  • Problems of the organization of multicultural education in the conditions of the DOT.
  • Development of metapredmet competence of students in the process of training.
  • Effective coaching in education.
  • - IP center of educational and legal technologies "Patner "" modern educational technologies of education in the city of Karaganda, May 2020."
  • Kazumo and Mya im.Abylaykhana "problems of the organization of Polyclinic education in the dot" Almaty, 18.09.20-15.04.21.
  • Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova" methods and technologies of webinars and video conferencing (Etutorium, BBB) " . Kostanay, April 2021.
  • Multi-profile Academy of secondary education" methodology of education of students in the University " Omsk, 01.04.2022-30.04.2022.
  • Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova" methods and technologies of webinars and video conferencing (Etutorium, BBB) " Kostanay, January 2021.
  • Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynova" construction test in the system to Moodle " . Kostanay, December 2021.
  • BB training center"Scence"," academic subscription " Nur-Sultan, 13.06.22-23.06.22
  • Certificate-KAZTEST 04-06-2022.
Awards and prizes    
  • Certificate of Honor from the rector of the KSU named after A.Baitursynov S.Kuanyshbayev, March 2023.
  • Letter of thanks from the head of the Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" T.Aimagambetova for assistance in conducting city subject Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects on 05/26/2022.
  • Certificate from the Director of IDO and to A. Zhikeev, Kostanay, May 2022.
  • "Халық алғысы" medal RK 2021-2022.
  • Құрмет грамотасы 2021-12-22.
  • Алғыс хат 2022-03-02.
  • Алғыс хат 2022-03-02.
  • Award 2022-04-12.
  • Алғыс хат chancello QRU 2021-12-12.
Training manuals
  • Қазақ тілі: Оқу құралы,-Қостанай: А.Байтұрсынов атындағы ҚМУ, 2019 –104б.
  • Қазақ тілі: Оқу құралы,-Қостанай: А.Байтұрсынов атындағы ҚМУ, 2020 –90б.